Cell Phones Kill Workouts

So you're going to the gym. You grab your keys, your Gatorade, an I-Pod, and your cell phone. Your all set. You drive to the gym and you are making good time to be able to get in a good workout and still make your hot date later this evening. You put on some Black Sabbath and prepare for hell. You're warming up and right as your about to start your routine you get a text message. Look, it's that date you were talking about. It's normally all down-hill from here. One text message leads to a whole conversation and no workout. You notice this and you have either decided to blow another ten or so minutes to warm back up or just jump right  into your routine. Most people choose the latter, which is potentially dangerous.

Does this sound familiar? Well most people go through the exact same thing every time that they go to the gym. The reason: people are way too 'plugged in' to focus on anything. This fear of missing a beat is a phobia that is causing shortcomings in all facets of life in the past 5 years. Everywhere you go, you will see someone slacking off rather than doing their job or workout because they are completely engrossed in their cellphones.

So how do you fix this problem? Well, firstly, leave your cell-phone in the car. People in the gym have several bad reasons to take their cell-phones with them instead of stashing it in the glove box, I'm going to eliminate those reasons.

1. "I might need it when I'm in there"- This is one of the weaker excuses, mainly because I have never known anyone that had to call his friend and ask him how to do bench presses.

2. "I'm waiting on an important call/text"- Unless it's business related or life threatening. I highly doubt that replying to this text, that more than likely will not come while you're in the gym, cannot wait an hour.

3. "My phone has a timer that I use to measure my rest period"- Seriously? Are we that obsessed that we have forgotten about stopwatches? Or are we too cheap to pay ten bucks?

4. "I log my workout with an app on my phone"- Log it in a notebook, plug it into your cell phone later.

5. "I don't want it to get stolen"- You remember the comment about leaving it in the glove box correct? If you don't like that idea, then leave it in a locker.

The world will not end if you don't contact them. Focus! This little change will make a big difference both in the gym, and in your life. You will start to see that your intensity in the gym will go up exponentially, which is what you want for big results. 

Penulis : The Business Man ~ Sebuah blog yang menyediakan berbagai macam informasi

Artikel Cell Phones Kill Workouts ini dipublish oleh The Business Man pada hari Monday, November 7, 2011. Semoga artikel ini dapat bermanfaat.Terimakasih atas kunjungan Anda silahkan tinggalkan komentar.sudah ada 0 komentar: di postingan Cell Phones Kill Workouts


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