Normally when we think of the word deal we automatically think that money is involved, or that someone is winning and the other party is losing in some aspect of the agreement. Webster actually defines the word deal as: to occupy oneself or itself; to take action with respect to a thing or person; to be able to handle competently or successfully; also, to trade or do business. To make a deal is to reach absolution. In business, when a deal is made it is an agreement between two parties to trade service for payment, service for service, etc. In fact, a deal is a good thing. If it works for pecuniary matters then why don't we make deals more often? For any progress to be made in anything, a conclusion must be met or agreed upon. Einstein had to make a deal with America for the atomic bomb, the Lakers had to make a deal with Kobe to put together a championship team, and NASA had to make a deal with Tricky Dick Nixon for Neil Armstrong to land on the mood.
In respect to your health, why don't you make a deal with yourself? Or maybe make a deal with a trainer? Look at your self in the mirror and say "Self, I'm going to improve my training and eating habits. So you better learn to deal with it!" Write out what you plan to do about your health and take action to improve yourself for the new year. Deal with this problem before it gets worse, because it will if you let it. You have dealt with much bigger problems than just being out of shape, I'm sure.
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