There are several causes of UTI's: Sexual intercourse, dehydration, spermicide, and a history of UTI's all increase your risk for a recurring infecton
Usually, a natural remedy is very effective in the treatment of a bladder infection and will prevent a recurring infection. Check with your doctor first and rule out any serious causes that must be treated with traditional medicine.
One of the more well known treatments for a UTI is to drink plenty of cranberry juice, sixteen ounces a day is all that is needed in order to cure a UTI in a small amount of time., Cranberry juice is effective because it prevents the build up of E. Coli on the lining of the bladder and urethra. Some also believe that it is effective because of the acidity it builds up in the urine.
Outside of cranberries, there are more powerful methods of treating a UTI. Staphysagria, a bluish purple flower that grows in Europe and Asia is a very powerful and common remedy for a bladder infection. Though poisonous when they are raw, staphysagria has healing properties when they are prepared in a tea like form. They have healing properties that some have been utilized for centuries. Another effective remedy is the bear berry. Named for it's popularity with bears, the bear berry leafs can be used for a very effective treatment for a UTI as well. Though these naturopathic remedies are historically effective, they can be hard to find the ingredients for. Some supplements serve as an excellent substitute for these remedies and are equally effective.
Again, if you are not sure of what course to take, consult your physician and ask if he knows of any natural remedies that he prefers. If he doesn't, then ask him for a number of someone who does.
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Cranberry juice is a good natural remedy for UTI. But to cure it completely herbal UTI supplements is good.