An extremely
popular flavor of Cheetos called “Flamin’ Hot Cheetos,” is under fire in recent
news. School districts in three states are banning the chips because, officials
say, the snack is too high in fat, calories, and sodium for them to be a safe
snack for children to eat. Officials also believe that these chips are far too
spicy to be safely consumed.
(Child whose nose is running and his mouth is burning from eating cheetos)
(Child whose nose is running and his mouth is burning from eating cheetos)
I remember these chips myself. I remember eating them in class, through the halls, as I was walking out of school, eating them at home…..I guess eating them everywhere really. For the uninitiated, these chips are bright red and stain your hands (and anything else you touch) but they are seemingly addictive. It seems that these traits of the snack are what parents and officials are concerned about. Teachers and parents have complained about children leaving little bright red fingerprints in their classrooms and on their clothing. Apparently, they are so notorious that they have caused unneccesary visits to the hospital. Children and adults alike will go to the emergency room because they ‘found blood’ in their stool. Upon analysis, however, doctors are often able to determine that the bright red coloring of the stool is in direct relation to the bright red dye in the chips.
Until a couple
of years ago, chips were always sold in a pretty sizealbe bag and they had several
servings in each bag. Even though millions of people in this country are
perfectly capable of reading, no one ever read the bag and saw that these
colossal sized sodium assault treats had more than one serving per bag.
Needless to say, children were eating 3-4 servings of these chips at a time.
(Nutrition label for a popular bag size of these chips)
This one bag of
chips has enough salt to bring your blood pressure to that of a whistling tea
pot. It would seem that some people have said “enough is enough,” and are trying
to drive for a food reform. It’s about time. The biggest of these food wars should
be fought in our schools. If more districts get on board with the cause, maybe we can all put an end to the salt ridden addiction.
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