What's the BIG Deal?

Normally when we think of the word deal we automatically think that money is involved, or that someone is winning and the other party is losing in some aspect of the agreement. Webster actually defines the word deal as: to occupy oneself or itself; to take action with respect to a thing or person; to be able to handle competently or successfully; also, to trade or do business. To make a deal is to reach absolution. In business, when a deal is made it is an agreement between two parties to trade service for payment, service for service, etc. In fact, a deal is a good thing. If it works for pecuniary matters then why don't we make deals more often? For any progress to be made in anything, a conclusion must be met or agreed upon. Einstein had to make a deal with America for the atomic bomb, the Lakers had to make a deal with Kobe to put together a championship team, and NASA had to make a deal with Tricky Dick Nixon for Neil Armstrong to land on the mood.

In respect to your health, why don't you make a deal with yourself? Or maybe make a deal with a trainer? Look at your self in the mirror and say "Self, I'm going to improve my training and eating habits. So you better learn to deal with it!" Write out what you plan to do about your health and take action to improve yourself for the new year. Deal with this problem before it gets worse, because it will if you let it. You have dealt with much bigger problems than just being out of shape, I'm sure. 

Here is the deal, about two thirds of the country is obese. That is a staggering figure. Obesity is linked to several heart conditions such as: Heart problems, high blood pressure, diabetes, hyper tension, and several others ailments. People that are overweight don't live as long as those that aren't as well. I feel that this figure will only increase in 2012 if something isn't done about it. So let's make a deal. If you give me your time and effort, I will deal you the best service you have ever had and the results you have always wanted. You will sleep better, feel better, and look better than you thought you could. Distance is not a factor because there is a way that I can help anyone, even if I am not there. If you let me be your trainer and wellness coach people around you will praise your appearance.  Getting back in shape is bound to boost your mood, confidence, and overall well-being, and to me, that is a BIG deal.   

The HCG Crime

Most of us know that HCG has been on the rise. It is a chemical that the body produces when a woman is pregnant. The companies that sell this compound have almost unrealistic claims for weight loss and so almost overnight, it caught on like wild fire.

I just got an email through NCSF (National Council of Strength and Fitness) and here is what it said:

HCG Products Are Illegal

The level of popularity of most weight loss programs/products seems to be strongly correlated with the advertised amount of pounds that people can lose, usually in the shortest possible timeframe. The quicker the weight loss the more popular the diet/program seems to be. Although the weight loss obtained with the most popular diets/products can be simply explained with the energy balance equation, companies tend to make the consumer believe that there is a magic component in the product that is doing the work for them. The Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) weight-loss products are over the counter products identified as “homeopathic” and recommend users to follow a severe restrictive diet. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recently released their recommendation regarding “homeopathic” HCG weight-loss products in their latest Consumer Health Information issue, December 2011. The FDA recommends consumers to stay away from these products due to the unsupported claims. In addition, the FDA and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) have issued seven letters to companies warning about selling illegal homeopathic HCG weight-loss drugs that have not been approved by the FDA. This collaborative action between the FDA and FTC is the first step in preventing these products from being marketed online and in retail stores where they are commonly sold as oral drops, pellets and spray forms.

The HCG claims
The products that claim to contain HCG are typically attached to very low calorie diets; approximately 500 calories/day. Companies use statements like “reset you metabolism” and “shave 20-30 pounds in 30 days”. Although the HCG story began in the 50s, no evidence currently exists that shows HCG promotes weight loss by itself without creating a negative caloric balance. Elizabeth Miller, acting director of FDA’s division of Non-Prescription Drugs and Health Fraud said that “these products are marketed with incredible claims and people think that if they are losing weight, HCG must be working. But the data simply does not support this; any loss is from severe calorie restriction. Not from HCG.”
The HCG Legality
The HCG is a hormone that is produced in the human placenta during pregnancy but it is not approved for weight loss or for over-the-counter sale for any purpose. Moreover, a pharmacist at the FDA pointed that HCG is not listed in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States, which lists the active ingredients that may be legally included in homeopathic drug products. For this reason, homeopathic HCG cannot legally be sold as a homeopathic medication for any purpose. In addition, David Vladeck, director of the FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection stated that “deceptive advertising about weight loss products is one of the most prevalent types of fraud. Any advertiser who makes health claims about a product is required by federal law to back them up with competent and reliable scientific evidence, so consumers have the accurate information they need to make good decisions.”
HCG a Potentially Dangerous Diet
Living on a very low calorie diet is considerably well documented to promote side effects such as gallstone formation, potential electrolyte imbalance, heartbeat irregularities, and various nutrient deficiencies (vitamins, minerals and protein). The HCG diet plan suggests individuals consume 500 calories/day, which is significantly less than the average 2,000 calorie recommended diet. The safe, general recommendation for healthy weight loss is a reduction of approximately 500 calories/day, only a third of the 1,500 calories/day recommended when following the diet plan. “These HCG products marketed over-the-counter are unproven to help with weight loss and are potentially dangerous even if taken as directed,” said Ilisa Bernstein, acting director of the Office of Compliance in FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. “And a very low calorie diet should only be used under proper medical supervision.” This very low calorie diet should only be prescribed under medical supervision for specific conditions such as extremely obese patients with health conditions. Health care professionals should provide credible information to their clients/patients so that they may be able to make appropriate decisions and avoid unrealistic weight loss expectations. (FDA Consumers Health information, December 2011)


Long Term Weight Loss and Weight Gain (Part 1 of 2)

It seems that everyone in the common era suffers from some sort of weight related problems. Some people (mostly men) want to gain weight and some people want to lose weight. A lot of us have tried everything from eating celery for every meal, HCG (I highly disagree with this method), Atkins, and almost anything else that we see in a fitness magazine. The problem is the fact that we are looking for a magic formula that will allow us to lose/gain as much weight as we dream of in as little as two weeks. Sorry, but this does not work effectively.

The truth is, dieting has been proven again and again in lab studies to not be enough to help ANYONE lose, and keep off, weight in the long term. The ONLY way to lose weight and keep it off is to increase muscle mass. This is only accomplished by resistance training of some sort or by living an active lifestyle. The fact of the matter is that we have been told many myths about weight gain and weight loss over the years. Drug companies around the world have fed us the baloney that you need a miracle pill to lose weight. To understand how to lose weight we first need to understand how it is that we gain unhealthy weight in the first place.

Gaining weight can be a very subtle or a very aggressive process. It takes 2500 Kcal (kilo-calories) to gain one pound of muscle, it takes 3500 Kcal to gain 1 pound of fat. This measurement has no time constraints nor window that it must be filled within to remain true. By this measure, you can see that your body will gain muscle before it gains fat from the food that you eat. That is, if you are working out properly. The way that this works is that the human body requires a certain amount of calories per day. I won't touch on the formula in this post but I will give an example of how weight gain can happen. Doctors call this example 'creeping obesity':


Amanda's caloric needs are 2100 kcal a day. She is an older woman and she is not very active any more. She eats relatively healthy and just snacks every now and then. On average she eats 2200 calories a day. Every year at her annual exam the doctor tells her that she has gained more weight, despite her efforts.

This is not uncommon and it is, in fact, to be expected. The average person is unaware of just how much maintaining the body is a science and not just a skill. With a little arithmetic, we can see just how much Amanda will gain over the course of a year with her current diet.

Amanda's caloric needs are 2100 kcal a day and yet she eats 2200 kcal every day. This puts her in a positive 100 kcal balance a day. If there are 365 days in a year then we will know that she consumes an excess of 36500 extra calories a year (365 x 100 = 36,500). You will then divide this number by 3500 and we will get the exact number of the amount of pounds that she will gain in a year (36500/3500 = 10.43 ). Amanda can gain 10 pounds a year by just a simple miscalculation!

This is a very rough example because it does not factor in the fact that her metabolism has slowed due to her age. By keeping a food log and staying within the parameters of your caloric needs you can avoid this easy dieting mistake. Sit down with your physician or trainer to discuss exactly what your caloric needs are and create a meal plan that will help you reach your goals.

In the next post, I will cover the science of both weight loss and weight gain, how to calculate your caloric needs, and how to create an effective meal plan for your fitness goals.

Till next time!

Cell Phones Kill Workouts

So you're going to the gym. You grab your keys, your Gatorade, an I-Pod, and your cell phone. Your all set. You drive to the gym and you are making good time to be able to get in a good workout and still make your hot date later this evening. You put on some Black Sabbath and prepare for hell. You're warming up and right as your about to start your routine you get a text message. Look, it's that date you were talking about. It's normally all down-hill from here. One text message leads to a whole conversation and no workout. You notice this and you have either decided to blow another ten or so minutes to warm back up or just jump right  into your routine. Most people choose the latter, which is potentially dangerous.

Does this sound familiar? Well most people go through the exact same thing every time that they go to the gym. The reason: people are way too 'plugged in' to focus on anything. This fear of missing a beat is a phobia that is causing shortcomings in all facets of life in the past 5 years. Everywhere you go, you will see someone slacking off rather than doing their job or workout because they are completely engrossed in their cellphones.

So how do you fix this problem? Well, firstly, leave your cell-phone in the car. People in the gym have several bad reasons to take their cell-phones with them instead of stashing it in the glove box, I'm going to eliminate those reasons.

1. "I might need it when I'm in there"- This is one of the weaker excuses, mainly because I have never known anyone that had to call his friend and ask him how to do bench presses.

2. "I'm waiting on an important call/text"- Unless it's business related or life threatening. I highly doubt that replying to this text, that more than likely will not come while you're in the gym, cannot wait an hour.

3. "My phone has a timer that I use to measure my rest period"- Seriously? Are we that obsessed that we have forgotten about stopwatches? Or are we too cheap to pay ten bucks?

4. "I log my workout with an app on my phone"- Log it in a notebook, plug it into your cell phone later.

5. "I don't want it to get stolen"- You remember the comment about leaving it in the glove box correct? If you don't like that idea, then leave it in a locker.

The world will not end if you don't contact them. Focus! This little change will make a big difference both in the gym, and in your life. You will start to see that your intensity in the gym will go up exponentially, which is what you want for big results. 

Shipping Sicknesses?

The other night I was watching the news and I heard something strange and disturbing. The news was covering a new trend in the parenting world in which parents are ordering illnesses offline. This at first seemed like some kind of gag story so I sat down and was prepared to have a few laughs. I was greatly taken aback when I found out that this was actually real.

They call themselves the Chicken Pox Party and they are a parental group who greatly disagrees with the current methods of immunization. Parents here in Arizona seem to have been the first to start the trend and it has spread as far as Tennessee, maybe even further. Apparently parents have become fed up with the immunization industry and are striking out by getting children immunized the 'natural way', which is letting their children just catch the illness.

To make it even more strange, the method in which they ship illness is odd. Parents who's children have caught chicken pox, small pox, or measles give their children a lollipop to suck on, they then take that lollipop and package it for shipment to other parents. The recipient parents take the lollipop and give it to their children and voila! This is unsanitary to say the least. This method is something that is reminiscent of the anthrax incident of the early 2000's. So parents beware of strange packages, this is one piece of mail that you should definitely keep out of reach of children.


Ready to Fight

Not everyone is a fighter but everyone can benefit from training like one. The way they do it is interval training. If you want to lose weight fast and improve your cardiovascular system, interval training is the best route. A lot of people claim that too much cardio will make you lose muscle. So if you want to lose weight, improve cardio, and maintain muscle mass, what do you do? The only way is to add strength training to your cardio routine. Here's how to do it:

Warm up on your cardio machine of choice for ten minutes at 50% maximum effort. After the ten minutes are over you will immediately increase your speed to 100% effort or as high as the machine will go. Hold this pace for 15 seconds. After the end of the 15 seconds you will get off the machine and perform body-weight exercises such as push ups or crunches. Perform the maximum amount you can do then get right back to the cardio machine. That is one super-set. From now on you will run/pedal for only 3 minutes at 50% effort followed by 15 sec sprints

*Example Below*

Warm up | 10 Min. Run at 50% Max Effort |  15 Sec. Sprint at 100% Max Effort | Max Push ups       |
Set 2      |   3 Min. Run at 50% Max Effort |  15 Sec. Sprint at 100% Max Effort  | Max Pull ups         |
Set 3      |   3 Min. Run at 50% Max Effort |  15 Sec. Sprint at 100% Max Effort  | Max Prison Squats|
Set 4      |   3 Min. Run at 50% Max Effort |  15 Sec. Sprint at 100% Max Effort  | Max Leg Raises    |
Set 5      |   3 Min. Run at 50% Max Effort |  15 Sec. Sprint at 100% Max Effort  | Max Dips              |

Interval training is very demanding on the body. Perform this routine only three times a week. You will begin with five super-sets but you can gradually increase to ten super-sets as your fitness improves. You may never become the next heavy weight Champion, but with persistence and patience, you will soon see that your endurance will double over time. You will run circles around your average competition in and out of the ring with this routine.

Happy Sweating!


The Hazardous Waves of Change

Sixty years ago, meals were made from scratch. The grocery market was filled with fresh produce and the woman of the house would select only the best for her family. Time's have changed drastically over sixty years. Now when you go to the grocery store, peoples carts are packed with high sodium, highly processed foods. Unlike the days of yesteryear when mothers fed their kids to nourish their bodies. Meals of today are practically devoid of nutrition and are only for the means of convenience. You put them in the microwave and 3 minutes later you have a meal.

For years, t.v. dinners were little packages of sodium loaded death that had more fat than any meal you could cook on the stove. Today's companies have changed them. Now they promise to be 'healthy choices' over the traditional. The tragedy is that even this attempt is a failed one. The problem wasn't only the absence of nutrition in microwave meals, but the presence of radiation. Microwaves are one of the most dangerous things to cook with.

Invented in 1947, the microwave was a massive piece of machinery that only the wealthy could afford. As popularity grew, the microwave shrank and the prices followed. They soon became so affordable that practically every home has one now. Almost in direct relation to microwaves becoming a standard household appliance, cancer cases increased. Scientist began to conduct studies on microwaves and the effects that they have on food. These studies have concluded that microwaves cause molecular changes in foods, which has been linked to have cancerous affects on the body. Microwaves also destroy a majority of the nutritional content in some foods.

The capitalist era of today has made it hard for some to sit down and have a wholesome meal. The 'hussle and bustle' of daily life has made some turn to fast food or fast made meals for food alternatives to a homemade one. This shortness of time has changed the eating habits (and waistlines) of America drastically. Fast meals are great but a fast life is tragic. If at all possible, skip the quick food and go for the real thing.

Motivation for your Fitness

One of the hardest things about working out sometimes isn't how hard the workout is or how little time we have to workout. Sometimes, the hardest part about getting in shape is just getting to the gym entirely. We all want to be in better shape but the lack of motivation can really rain on that fitness parade. I feel, that disinterest and being under motivated are the two biggest killers of any workout regiment.

There are times when the only thing that we truly need is support. Not having family or friends that support you in your goal to be at your target weight can sometimes destroy your drive to get to the gym. One of the best ways that I have found to deal with this is to find your favorite playlist on your mp3 player and listen to it for at least ten minutes before heading to the gym. The music will get your blood pumping and will put you in a much better mood.

Other ways that I have dealt with this problem is by having a workout buddy or trainer to go to the gym with. The better choice of the two is a trainer, obviously. Not only can they be the BEST motivators in the gym, but they also know a lot more about getting the most out of your workout. Without motivation, there are no results from a workout. That is the truth.

Don't know where to find a trainer? Visit your local gym!
If you are looking for better rates, greater flexibility of scheduling, and a trainer that will come to you visit


The Pushup, Legend or Overated?

For decades, maybe even longer, the pushup has been used to turn average men into warriors. Boxers, firemen, policeman, and the military alike use the pushup as a staple for their upper body routine. The alternatives to the pushup, the benchpress and the chest press, have become quite popular in the mainstream gym culture. The question is: Are pushups effective?

The Bench Press
Begin lying face up on a bench press bench with your head slightly below the bar. Line your hands up on the bar by making a 'thumbs up' sign with your hands and place the tip of your thumb on the first engraved line on the bench press bar. This spot will be where you place your hands for the remainder of the workout. Now lower the bar slowly down to your chest and touch it to your nipple line, now, explosively raise the bar overhead in a straight line. That is one repetition.

  1. Can be done with heavy weight and so it allows you to pack on strength and muscle fast
  2. Targets mostly chest. It also works the front of the shoulders, triceps, and back.
  1. Not very mobile, it can only be performed on a bench that has a barbell rack on it and so if the gym is busy you may have to wait
  2. Does not have a very wide range of motion (ROM) and so it can lead to muscle tightness and lost flexibility.
  3. Uses heavy weight and so it can cause muscle tightness and lost flexibility.
  4. For safety reasons, it requires a spotter.
The Chest Press
Most chest press machines are in chair format. Start by sitting in the seat. Choose a weight that feels the most comfortable in you and then press your arms forward explosively. Lower it back to the starting position. That is one repetition.

  1. It is an isolation exercise in which heavy weight can be used. This means that you can gain strong pecs in little time.
  2. If you do not have a workout partner, this workout does not require a spotter.
  1. Even more so than the bench press, this exercise is definitely not mobile. It must be performed on a chest press machine and can be done exclusively on the machine.
  2. It has little range of motion (ROM) and so it can cause muscle tightness.
  3. Heavy weight can be used and so it can cause muscle tightness.
The Push Up
Begin on the floor face down with your hands under your body and directly below your shoulders. By keeping your body in a straight line from toes to ears, raise your body off of the floor by pushing yourself up. After you have reached the peak of your rise, you will then immediately lower yourself back down to the floor and let your chest touch the floor. Do not lay on the floor. After you have touched your chest to the floor you will again push yourself off of the floor. That is one repetition.

  1. The exercise is very portable. It requires no equipment at all, just a floor and determination.
  2. It has several different variations and so it can be done in a wide variety of difficulties, as well as workout a wide array of muscles.
  3. Due to it's versatility, it targets a very diverse group of muscles; the back, shoulders, glutes, abs, rectus abdominus, biceps, triceps, and pectorals can all benefit from the pushup
  4. It uses body weight and so the muscles remain flexible
  1. Heavy weight can't be used and so you may not put on muscle as fast as you would using another alternative.
  2. You may have flashback of your football coach yelling at you and telling you to 'keep on pushing'
The pushup has stood the test of time because it actually works. It has, and always will be one of the most effective ways of building strength in the chest and arms. Hands down, there is no better exercise for your upper body than the pushup, that is, unless it is the pullup. Now that is another topic for another day

For more great workout reviews, routines, and nutritional information. Visit my new website. Tempe Town Fitness will prove to be a priceless asset in helping you achieve your fitness goals.


The Start of Something Grand

I just recently launched a new fitness website. It will be one of the best personal training that will be an asset in helping you achieve your fitness goals. Tempe Town Fitness is the place to go for any of your fitness needs. Workout plans, nutrition, fitness information, and more! It even has a first class product line featured on the site. Make sure that you check it out!

Meeting with the 'Chucks'

Most of us have seen a kung fu movie or two in our lifetimes. Most of us would agree that the best of all were the Bruce Lee movies. Master Lee had ripped arms, shoulders, and back, and yet, he wasn't very large at all. One of his secrets is martial arts, of course, but his workout equipment had a great deal to do with it as well. Just body weight alone will give you the definition that you have longed for. When you pair body weight with the right workout equipment you will see your results improve even further. That equipment is the nunchuku. Nunchuku have enough weight to provide reasonable resistance that will build and tone muscle. Not to mention, their versatility of position use will allow you to build many muscles that are often neglected during normal upperbody routines. Here is the way to use them. Get a resistance band and do the max number of curls and tricep extentions you can manage. Afterwards, do the maximum amount of pushups that you can do without stopping and breaking form. After these workouts have been done, it's time for 'the chucks.' Aim for a 20-30 min session and then progress as you become more comfortable. The best thing about nunchuku is that they build coordination and couble as cardio as well. With a lot of practice (I do mean a lot) you will begin to build the upper body that you've invisioned. You may not become a 'Dragon' like Bruce Lee but you should at least become a nice piece of eye candy for people to stare at.
Happy Sweating.

The 'Core' of a Workout

The best way to improve any workout is to add a core routine. The only problem is that most people don't know the best way to incorporate this aspect into their daily regimen. the core is the only muscle group that can be worked out everyday, if done correctly.

The stomach muscles that you can see (abs) can only be worked every other day, however, the rectus abdominus can be worked everyday and should be. These are the muscles that add more stability and definition to your abs. When paired with at least 3 days a week of cardio this routine will perform wonders for you. Do this routine everyday before your routine and you will be well on your way to an excellent six pack.

Exercise Execution
Planks- Make a straight line from east to ankles with your body and rest your weight on your elbows. It is very similar to a push-up position.

Wide Leg Raises- Very similar to the typical leg raises except this version you spread your legs slightly wider than shoulder width when you raise your legs. When returning to the starting position, close your legs progressively.

Boxing Circles- Assume an on your back position as if you were going to do leg raises. Now keep your ankles touching and make a big circle counter-clockwise with your feet. When your feet have reached the starting point you have completed one repetition
  • Planks- Hold for 1:00 (3 sets)
  • Wide Leg Raises- 25 reps (3 sets)
Do these two exercises one after another and then rest for 90 seconds afterwards. Do 3 sets.
  • Crunches- 30 reps
  • Superman- Hold for 1:00

  • Boxing Circles- 10 Big Circles each direction (5 Sets)

One of the Reasons You Don't Meet Goals

So you have been going to the gym everyday, you're eating every food that you think is supposed to be good for you and you still get no results. You start to get frustrated by what your scale is telling you morning after morning and you just seem to not be reaching your goals. Does this sound familiar? Many people around the world face the same problem. They train day in and day out with no visible results and then quit on their diets due to frustration. Even worse, those that seem to not get any results consult personal trainers that work them even harder and they still get no results, which is truly tragic. One of most non-obvious reasons why people fail with their workout routines is over-training.

Over-training is a condition in which the body is exerted too much and in some cases, will do exactly the opposite of what the individual is trying to accomplish. The human body is not invincible and can be damaged if not trained with proper technique. If you believe that you may be inflicted with over-training, here is are the top three signs to look out for:

1. You train harder and harder and yet you are still putting on body fat

This is one of the common symptoms and particularly the most frustrating. You body is equipped with mechanisms to protect itself. If your body feels that it is in danger of over-training or being dangerously low on fat, it will hoard any fat that it can in able to prevent it.

2. Your workout is almost impossible to finish all of a sudden

The great thing about the body is that it actually gets stronger the more that we put strain on it, however, this is not the case if your body has reached exhaustion. You can sometimes see a decline in both strength and endurance when faced with over-training.

3. You have a hard time falling asleep, staying asleep, and waking up

If you are working out then you know how tired you are at the end of the day. When the body is wrecked by over exertion you can sometimes become restless and unable to fall asleep, no matter how tired you are. Why is that? The body is under so much stress that you may have irregular sleep cycles.

The best way to prevent this much unwanted condition is to listen to your body and not just your trainer. Trainers can sometimes over aspire for what their clients can handle and the best resource for prevention is simple communication. Make a conscious effort to communicate with your trainer weekly of how your body feels before, during, and after each workout. This will better equip them to be able to cater to your needs. After all, it's your body, make sure that you take good care of it.

Every so often and then it is OK to take a day off from your routine. If you follow the 90% rule; following your routine 90% of the time, then you will get 100% of the results, you should be fine. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

If you have made the decision to sign up for personal training sessions the please fill out the appointment form on the right side of the screen.

I wish you the best of luck!

Happy Sweating!

The Only Blog That You Will Ever Need

Welcome to How to be PHIT. If you have found this blog then you are already well on your way to getting into the best shape of your life. We will analize some of the new products on the market, give recipes and cooking tips, as well as perscribe workout plans. This is the best resource available for achieving your fitness goals. And it's FREE! We hope that you enjoy.